Hands On and Mission-Focused Teams

Grounds — We have unusually attractive and large grounds, which require attentive and loving care. A variety of mature trees require care and maintenance as well as shrubs and perennials. The church has Green Sanctuary status and does not use pesticides. It depends on compost as fertilizer. Water loving plants are being replaced with drought resistant varieties. Removing invasive plants in the Debbie Waterhouse Ecology Center is another project. There are jobs that can be done independently and there are times when we schedule group work sessions.
Facilities (Building, Maintenance and Planning)–Our building is actively used by ourselves and many outside groups and therefore requires attention to be sure it is properly maintained, comfortable and welcoming. This group coordinates church volunteers with particular skills, and contracts with outside professionals when needed. Spring and Fall “Fix-up” dates are typical activities. If you have skills in carpentry, painting, plumbing, wiring, Wi-Fi, media or in organizing others, this is the group for you. Contact person is Don Tucker.
Website Team: We are currently maintaining the present website while building a new site using the UUA theme. Continued oversight will be needed to insure that it is relevant and current. Techies and creative souls will find a home here. Contact person is Lauraine Marcus.
Social Media/Marketing Team: This fledgling team is in need of knowledgeable navigators of the internet beyond Facebook. Contact person is Lauraine Marcus.