Our Minister

Rev. Michelle Buhite came to UU Amherst in 2015 as a Developmental minister to help the congregation identify goals and challenges and to support the work of church leaders in helping the congregation reach and address those areas. We spent the first year together studying and formulating a congregational covenant, and the second year crafting a mission statement to guide the ministries of the church. The work of the third year was forming a strategic plan to live more fully into our values and finding ways to connect with the larger community. The first three years were also spent in healing relationships, restoring trust, and identifying areas of energy and growth. In 2018 the congregation called Rev. Michelle to settled ministry.
Rev. Michelle earned a Masters of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School (Chicago) and was ordained in 2012. She served a congregation in South Carolina from 2012-15. Prior to answering the call to professional ministry, Michelle had a “checkered” past as a college instructor in Communications and Music, private vocal instructor, religious educator, professional puppeteer, and manager of a health club – all skills that translate well into ministry!
Originally from Chautauqua County (NY), Rev. Michelle and husband Les were glad to return to western NY in 2015 and be in close proximity to their daughter and her family.