Author: Lauraine Marcus

Shape the Future with Connections’ Buddy Program!

Calling all experienced members! Connections is developing an exciting new Buddy Program, and we need your expertise and passion to help shape it. This initiative is all about pairing seasoned members with newcomers, creating a supportive network from the ground up. Have ideas to share? Want to play a key role in developing this program? … Continue reading Shape the Future with Connections’ Buddy Program!

Good Friday Special Service, April 18th 7:00 pm

Good Friday Special Service, April 18th 7:00 pm Rev. Michelle and former UU Amherst ministerial intern, Rev. Lisa Peterangelo will offer a special service to commemorate Good Friday. A UU Christian communion will be observed.

Message for Katie, D.F.D.: Duality of Safety, Vertical Garden, Pride Parade

Duality of SafetyI have been thinking a lot about the meaning of safety in community lately. So, instead of a blessing this month, I’d like to offer a thought:We all want to feel safe to be ourselves, safe to speak our truth, safe to show up just as we are. That’s what real community is … Continue reading Message for Katie, D.F.D.: Duality of Safety, Vertical Garden, Pride Parade

Join Our Caring Team: Make a Difference inOur UU Amherst Community

The Caring for One Another Team, now part of Connections, is central to our community’s commitment to compassion. We provide support through meals, rides, visits, and connection with those inneed. We’re seeking leaders to guide this vital work and volunteers to help ensure no one feels alone. Yourinvolvement embodies the spirit of connection and care … Continue reading Join Our Caring Team: Make a Difference inOur UU Amherst Community

Poster-Making Session for Hands-Off Rally April 1st 1:30 p.m.

Justice Advocacy Team is coordinating a poster making session Tuesday, April 1st, 1:30 pm following Ladies Luncheon. Some poster materials and paint/marker supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. These are to be used for Saturday April 5 11 a.m. Hands-Off Rally in Niagara Square. Plans for carpooling will be finalized … Continue reading Poster-Making Session for Hands-Off Rally April 1st 1:30 p.m.

Not too early to make Summer plans: CENTRAL EAST REGION SUMMER INSTITUTE 2025:JULY 6TH – 12TH

“LIVE A LIFE ON FIRE: CHANGE THE WORLD WITH YOUR LOVE”SUMMER INSTITUTE – A UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ALL-AGES CAMPGet ready for an unforgettable week of community, music and learning! Summer Institute 2025 is returning to Oberlin College, OH. Be part of a vibrant community dedicated to personal growth, social justice, and spiritual exploration.Connect with like-minded individuals … Continue reading Not too early to make Summer plans: CENTRAL EAST REGION SUMMER INSTITUTE 2025:JULY 6TH – 12TH

The Work That Reconnects Immersion Workshop Sun., Apr. 6, Noon to 4:00 p.m.

Opt-in to a life sustaining world! The Work That Reconnects (WTR) is a frame work and set of practices developed by eco-Buddhist scholar and humanitarian, oanna Macy. It is a holistic approach to personal and collective transformation that aims to address the ecological and social challenges facing humanity. It provides a safe and supportive space … Continue reading The Work That Reconnects Immersion Workshop Sun., Apr. 6, Noon to 4:00 p.m.