Ceremonies & Rentals: Ceremonies
Child Dedications
Child dedication ceremonies for infants and children replace a baptism or christening. The ceremony is usually crafted by the parents with help of Rev. Michelle and may include many the following elements:
- A blessing for the new life of the child
- An expression of the parent or parents’ hopes for the child
- A promise by the congregation to support and nurture the child
If you are interested in having your child dedicated by Rev. Michelle, please contact her at minister@uuamherst.org
Wedding services are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the love of two individuals who have chosen to come together in marriage.
Because of our strong respect for each person’s beliefs and values, each wedding is custom-crafted with a couple to reflect their personalities and relationship. This respect and our flexibility enable Rev. Michelle to be a skilled officiant for interfaith weddings, atheist weddings, and weddings for those aligning with the inclusive values of Unitarian Universalisms
In addition to blessing heterosexual unions, Rev. Michelle joyfully blesses same-sex marriages. Unitarian Universalists affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people and have a long history of promoting equal rights of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ).
For further information, please contact our Office Administrator at: administrator@uuamherst.org or (716) 634-3010.
Funeral & Memorial Services
When a loved one passes, UU Amherst can provide a comforting space for friends and family to come together and reflect upon a life well lived. This service to honor a loved one is often very personal. Rev. Michelle is available to provide as much assistance as is needed to create a ceremony that is a celebration of love, remembrance and healing.
Our Sanctuary and Social Hall (Emerson Room) is suitable for a wide range of gathering sizes.
Whether or not you are Unitarian Universalist, you may find that UU Amherst meets your needs. For further information, please contact our Office Administrator at: administrator@uuamherst.org or (716) 634-3010.