[one_half_last]1.0  Introduction

(By-laws will go here & numbering sequence will change)

2.0  Mission statement   

3.0  Resolutions Passed By the Congregation

3.1  Passing of the Plate

3.2  Ministerial Guidelines

3.3  Affirm Relationship with Universalist Association

3.4 Board Expenditure Policy

4.0  Board Resolutions and Policy Setting Action

4.1  Board Issues

4.1.1  Board Meetings

4.1.2  Minutes of Annual Meeting

4.2  Committees

4.2.1  Policy on Council and  Committee Structure

4.2.2 Committee Worship

4.3  Communications

4.3.1  Publicity and Communications to outside Community

4.3.2  Church Newsletter

4.3.3  Selling or Distribution of Items Following Church

4.3.4  Outside Grants

4.4  Financial

4.4.1  Stocks and Bonds

4.4.2  Memorial Gifts

4.4.3  Spending Authorizations

4.4.4  Plate Collections

4.4.5  Fund Raising

4.4.6  Audits

4.4.7  Formation of the Finance Committee

(Add Endowment Fund (Trust) here 4.4._ _)

4.4.9 Memorial Garden Fund


4.5  Membership

4.5.1  Mailing List

4.5.2  Directory List

4.6. Personnel Manual

4.6.1 I. Purpose of Personnel Manual

4.6.2 II. Statement of Principles

4.6.3 III. Personnel Administration

4.6.4 IV. Categories of Employment

4.6.5 V. Employee Benefits and Payroll Deductions

4.6.6 VI. Leave

4.6.7 VII. Terminations

          Job Descriptions: Caretaker

          Director of Religious Education

          Music Director

4.7  User of Church Facilities

4.7.1  Building Use — Weddings, Committee Event

 4.7.2  User of Alcoholic Beverages

4.7.3  User of Church by Outside Organization (Includes Form)

4.7.4 No Smoking

4.7.5 Animals prohibited from the church

4.8 One-time Congregational actions

4.9 Additional Resolutions by the Board

5.0  Rental Information

5.1.a Rules governing use of facilities by renters

5.1.b Rules governing use of facilities by church members

5.2 Rules for the use of the kitchen

5.3 Rules for the use of the piano and organ

5.4 Events rental agreement

5.5 Rental form

5.6 Room rental fee schedule for nonmembers – one time use

Appendix A – Room rental fee schedule for nonmembers – one time use[one_half]








This Church Policy Handbook is meant to provide an organized repository of all church policies.  It should serve as a reference to guide decisions and actions regarding the functioning of the church.

There are several categories of church policy which command differing requirements for implementation.  There are:

  1.  Church Bylaws.  These policies are the highest level and take precedence over all other policies.  These policies must be followed and can only be changed by a 2/3 majority vote of the congregation.
  2.  Resolutions passed by the congregation.  These policies are the 2nd highest in the hierarchy of policies and take precedence over all other church policies, except those in the Church Bylaws.  These policies must be followed and can only be changed by a majority vote of the congregation.
  3.  Resolutions and policy decisions made by the Board.  These policies are next in the hierarchy of church policies.  They define the manner in which church functions must be conducted.  Exceptions to these policies can be made with Board approval, and the policies themselves can be changed by the Board when deemed necessary.
  4.  Precedent.  When there is no stated church policy regarding a situation, previous approaches taken in similar circumstances should serve as guidance.  These, however, do not in any way constrain Board or church options.

This handbook contains policies in all the above categories.  Section 3 contains resolutions passed by the congregation.  Board resolutions and policies are contained in Section 4, and constitute the majority of this document.  Section 4 also contains a record of important precedents as reflected in past church and Board action.

The primary purpose of our church is spiritual, personal, and social.  Our joint efforts should be focused on achieving these goals.  The day-to-day, week-to-week , and year-to-year running of the church should be a secondary, albeit a necessary and important activity.  It is the intent of this document to facilitate and provide guidance for the more administrative church functions.  it is our hope that this document will facilitate continuity of policy and provide a foundation so that new policies can be build deliberately and purposefully to enhance and build upon pre-existing policy.

This document is mean to be a “living document”.  We hope that the Board of Trustees will wee that it is maintained, updated, and appropriately disseminated to ensure its effective and proper use.



We are an inclusive and accepting community of adults and children with diverse beliefs.  We strive to live by the Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  We are dedicated to supporting our members in their spiritual and ethical growth.  We are committed to advancing justice, compassion and equity in the world.





The congregation voted that “This church continue its policy of omitting the passing of the collection plate during church worship service.”

Passed by the Congregation 6 February 1959. [REVERSED IN 2002]


The congregation voted that passing the plate will henceforth be resumed.

Passed by the Congregation 3 February 2002.  Vote:  44 for, 38 against, 1 abstention.



The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association Guidelines shall be adopted by this Church and its Congregation, the adoption applying only to those portions which contain no financial obligations over and above those already in place.

Passed by the Congregation 7 February 1986.  Narrow Margin.



It is resolved that the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst is a member of the New York State Convention of Universalists and failure to mention this fact in the Constitution is no indication that it does not recognize this relationship.

Passed by the Congregation, 3 February 1989.  Vote:  Unanimous



At a Congregational Meeting held in June 2009 the congregation unanimously voted to authorize the Board to approve expenditure over the amount of $4,000 in the event of an emergency, without having to seek congregational approval each time this was necessary.







All church members are welcome to attend meetings of the BOT as observers. However, in order to speak or participate at the meeting, it is necessary that a visitor be scheduled on the meeting’s agenda in advance of the meeting. Visitors will be asked to direct their comments solely to the topic they are scheduled to discuss, and to keep remarks and discussion to the allotted time. Visitors not on the agenda will not be permitted to speak. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the BOT is able to complete its work and responsibilities in an efficient, orderly and timely manner.
Approved by the Board xx nn xxxx?:


The Board of Trustees shall review the minutes and suggest corrections or changes. This shall take place within one (1) month following the Annual Meeting and will be given to the acting secretary who will incorporate changes as appropriate. The formal Congregational approval of the corrected minutes will occur at the following Annual Meeting.
Approved by the Board 4 February 1983, 9 January 1990 (revised), ?, 2001 (revised):


The Board chair will perform the following or ensure that they are done prior to the annual meeting:
a. have an announcement in the 2 church newsletters mailed prior to the annual meeting
b. appoint a chair
c. appoint a facilitator
d. appoint a parliamentarian
e. appoint a recording secretary
f. provide food and drink
g. provide for child care
Approved by the Board January 3, 1998



The Board of Trustees in 2007 adopted the use of the “Council Structure” to oversee the Committees of the Church. These Councils consist of the Chairs of each Committee assigned to them, plus one Board Liaison who will Chair the Council meetings. The Councils are encouraged to meet once a month to discuss issues raised in the various Committees and any items needing Board action are then brought to the next Board Meeting to be voted on or have other action taken. This policy is designed to rid the BOT of many of the daily issues involved in running the Church, and to encourage communication between Committees.

The Councils are as follows:-

Ministry Council:
Committee on Ministry, Guest Speakers, Preaching by Parishioners, Membership Committee, Music Committee, Religious Education Committee, Lay Worship Committee, Campus Ministry, Right Relations Committee, Ushers, Coffee Committee, Greeters, Minister, Music Director, RE. Director, Information Technology, Website, Emergency Planning Committee.

Facilities Council:
Building, Maintenance, Planning Committee, Nature Preserve,Memorial Garden, Grounds Committee, Environment Committee, Art Wall, Church/Chapel Décor Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Renters Committee.

Programs Council:
Cadre of Caring, Economic Justice/ Social Concerns, Archives, Denominational Affairs, Adult Programs, Women’s Circle, Current Events Lunch, Men’s Lunch, Green Sanctuary, Church Life, UU-UNO.

Finance Council:
Administrator, Finance Committee, Treasurer, Canvass & Financial Continuity, Endowment Fund, Fund Raisers, Personnel Committee.

The Board of Trustees has adopted the following policy regarding committee structure within the church:
1. The Board of Trustees shall review all committees each year. An understanding of each committee’s function and responsibilities shall be established between the Board liaison and the committee chairperson. This may be accomplished by providing a copy of the committee functional description contained in this document and soliciting feedback.
2. Committee chairpersons, when considering the personnel makeup of their committees, are strongly encouraged to include one new church member for every two (2) longer term church members and at least one teenage member.
Approved by the Board 22 April 1967, 9 January 1990 (Revised), 2001 (Revised)2009 (Revised).


1. Church committees shall schedule all meetings and sponsored events through the Church Administrator.
2. Such events will be publicized in the Foreword.
Approved by the Board 21 January 1974, April 1980) revised), 9 January 1990 (revised)

4.2.3  Endowment Trust

The Board of Trustees shall not entertain recommendations for candidates for the Endowment Trust if an individual has already served for two five-year terms.

Approved by the Board 5 May 2018



Communications made to the larger community outside the congregation (e.g., publicity about an event) must be coordinated with the Board prior to being sent out.
Approved by the Board 9 January 1990:


The church newsletter will contain items of church business, activities and interest, and shall exclude items of a commercial nature not related to church activities.
Approved by the Board 5 February 1958:


Any table or area set up at the time of a church event for the purpose of selling or distributing items, or for the dissemination of information or services, must be approved by the Board prior to this action. This permission can be granted by the Board Chairperson if time does not permit Board action
Approved by the Board 9 January 1990, 15 June 1993 (revised):


The Board of Trustees must approve any grant proposal submitted by a group within the church to an outside agency prior to its submission.
Passed December 14, 1993, ? 2001 (revised)


Stocks and bonds given to the church in payment of pledges are to be sold on the first business day following receipt of same, provided the value of the stock is not guaranteed by the pledger. Costs related to the sale are to be paid from Church funds.
Approved by the Board 24 June 1968, 9 January 1990 (revised)


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst acknowledges the importance of memorial gifts. The policy to welcome and encourage gifts must be in the best long-term interests of the donors, the person memorialized and the church itself. In order to maintain flexibility of giving and administration of such funds, the following guidelines are established.
Approved by the Board 25 Jun 1970, 9 Feb 1976 (revised), 9 Jan 1990 (revised)

When the donor expects a gift to be designated for a particular purpose, the purpose, must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the acceptance of the gift
The Board of Trustees is empowered to use the funds whenever it seems appropriate to do so
The funds are not to be used for usual budgetary items nor for usual capital improvement

The Board of Trustees has established a policy wherein gifts and memorial bequests are directed to the Endowment Fund, unless requested otherwise by the donor.

Section 10 of the “Declaration” specifies the authority and responsibilities of the trustees relative to receipt of gifts and bequests. Section 10(g) relates to administering gifts and/or bequests as directed by the donor, thus some funds are restricted in the way they may be expended. Current examples include the music fund, the building fund and the garden fund. All other funds held by the Endowment are restricted in the way they may be used.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, 6/13/09 (revised 8/14/14)

Letter of thanks to donor(s) from Secretary, of the Endowment Trust Board.

Send the donor an acknowledgment for tax purposes when necessary
Publish in the Foreword the donation of gifts and memorials. Any desire for anonymity should be protected
When there are many small contributions, the total amount of the fund can be announced
Large monetary gifts may be specifically published at the discretion of the Board of Endowment Trust
Notify the Church Administrator of gifts received


All church committees must obtain the approval of their Board liaison before committing to an expenditure in excess of their authorized budget amount.
Approved by the Board 15 April 1965, 6 October 1980 (revised), 4 February 1985 (revised), 9 January 1990 (revised); ? 2001 (revised):


Sunday collections are to be handled by the usher.
Approved by the Board 2 September 1958, 15 February 1966 (revised), 24 September 1984 (revised), 9 January 1990 (revised), 2001 (revised), 3 February 2002 (revised)


The primary fund raising activity of this church shall be via pledging during the Annual Canvass and through the follow-up efforts of the Canvass and Financial Continuity Committee. Any other fund raising activities made within this church must have the consent of the Board of Trustees.
Approved by the Board 10 April 1972, 9 January 1990 (revised)
Fund raising policy allowing committees to raise money for their own activities: Any inside fundraising (raising
funds within the congregation) profits to go to the UUCA. Any outside fundraising (raising funds from the outside
community) profits will be split 50/50 between the committee and the UUCA. Exceptions may be granted by the
Board of Trustees.
Approved 8/14/13

4.4.6 AUDITS

At the end of each fiscal year there are to be audits of the accounts maintained by the Church Treasurer. The audits are to be conducted by outside persons appointed by the Board of Trustees. The audit report and the annual financial report are to be included in the overall Church Annual Report for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
Approved by the Board 9 January 1990


The Finance Committee prepares Church budgets for approval by the Board of Trustees. It also advises the Board and Church Membership on Church financial matters. The Finance Committee has five (5) voting members:
three (3) from the Board of Trustees
two (2) from the congregation at large (not current members of the Board of Trustees)
the church treasurer (non-voting member)
Finance Committee members from the Board of Trustees serve overlapping three-year terms. At the beginning of this plan, the board elects three (3) of its members to this committee. They serve terms of one (1) year, two (2) years and three (3) years, respectively. Each year, the senior board member on the Finance Committee retires. That committee member is succeeded by a board member in his or her first full year of office.
Committee members from the congregation at large serve overlapping four-year terms. When the plan is begun, the committee’s first at-large members are selected for two-year and four-year terms, respectively.
If a committee member is unable to complete his or her term, the group responsible for selecting that member of the Finance Committee must choose a successor in no more than thirty (30) days.
Passed March 9, 1994.

Update to UUCA Finance Committee structure:

The UUCA has been moving to Board Council Mode of Operation for several years now and in recognition of that the Board of Trustees voted on 1/26/08 to direct the Finance Committee to conduct the monthly review of the Treasurer’s Report. In other words, the BOT will no longer function as the Finance Committee. Therefore the Finance Committee will:

1. Meet and conduct the monthly review of the Treasurer’s Report prior to the monthly meeting of the BOT.

2. Be responsible for direct oversight of the budget and will communicate directly with any entities, committees, councils etc. that are exceeding their budget(s).

3. Report to the BOT any significant financial problems they have discovered, in this case significant means an amount of $500 or more and/or a group that is 30% or more over budget.

4. Provide the Treasurer’s report to the BOT on monthly basis for informational purposes. The Treasurer is expected to attend monthly board meetings.

5. Consist of the Finance Council members/2 board liaisons, the Finance Chair and the Treasurer.

6. Have a quorum with the presence of one board liaison, the Treasurer and the Finance Chair to conduct finance business.

Passed 1/26/08.

(add number 4.4_ _)ENDOWMENT FUND.


The purpose of this statement is to provide the Church Board with information on the Declaration of Trust which governs the functioning and operation of the Endowment Trust. Understanding the Declaration is essential in making requests for distributions of income and/or principal from the Trust. We also specify the information that should be submitted to the Endowment Trustees to evaluate requests for distribution of trust assets.

The purpose of the Trust is to invest and manage interviews gifts and testamentary bequests made to the Church by its members and other individuals or entities. The primary objective of this Trust shall be to accumulate and increase the principal of the Trust, thereby creating a principal fund which will generate income which may be used to assist the Church in meeting its operating and capital expenses without relying exclusively on annual fund raising.”

Requests for distributions from the Trust originate with the Church Board. In the case of distributions from income, any request “shall be written, and shall specify the purpose for which said funds are to be used and the actual or estimate amount necessary to accomplish said purpose. The final decision as to whether a distribution from income shall be made shall rest exclusively with the Endowment Trustees.

The Endowment Trustees are authorized to make distributions out of principal of the Trust only if the following conditions have been fulfilled: “The Church Board shall make a written request to the Endowment Trustees specifying the purpose for which a distribution of principal is requested, the amount of the requested distribution, and setting forth the compelling circumstances which would justify a distribution from the principal of the Trust.” The Endowment Trustees consider such requests to decide whether the requested distribution is justified. “If the Endowment Trustees decide that the requested distribution from principal is justified, they shall present a resolution to approve the requested distribution from principal to the congregation…If the Endowment Trustees decide the requested distribution is not justified, there shall be no further action taken with respect to the request.

No distribution of either income or principal from this Trust shall be made to any person or entity other than the Church Board….”


The governing document for all aspects of the functioning of the Endowment Trust is the First Amended Declaration of Trust: Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst Endowment Trust (hereinafter referred to as the “Declaration”) made on February 2, 1992.


We recognize that the Endowment Trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to those who have donated to the Trust and to the Church and must act in that capacity with the utmost degree of good faith, honesty, integrity, loyalty and undivided service of the beneficiary’s interest. Since the Trust was created to further the long term interests of the Church any request for distribution may present a conflict between the current interests of the Church and the longer term interest of maintaining a vital and growing Endowment Trust. Distributions of income have a small effect on the health of the Trust Fund than a distribution of principal, usually the Trustees will grant distributions from income, assuming that reasonable justification has been provided and that funds are available in the income account. It is clear, however, from the language of the Declaration that the creators intended protection of Trust principal from use by the Church Board except under the most urgent and compelling circumstances.


Requests for distribution from the Trust should be in writing. A copy of those pages of the minutes of the Church Board meeting where a resolution to make the request was passed should be submitted with the request. The request should contain the following as a minimum.

A. Distribution from Income.
1. A concise title or name for the project or usage of the funds
2. A description of the project sufficient to describe its scope and timing.
3. The amount of distribution requested.
4. Expected start and completion dates and general schedule of the activity and expected dates when the funds (or installments thereof) will be needed, any unused monies are to be redeposited into the Trust.
5. Justification for requesting funding from the Endowment Fund. We will want to know why this item was not included in the annual Church Operating budget; what other sources of funds have been considered; and any other information that the Endowment Trustees should consider pertinent to this request, including benefits to the Church if the request is granted, on the one hand, and adverse consequences if it is not, on the other.
6. Does the Church Board expect that the purposes of the subject distribution will be satisfied by the specific grant requested or is it contemplated that further distributions will be required at a future date? If yes, give the particulars.

B. Distribution from Principal.
1. Requests for distributions from principal should include the items listed above for income distributions.
2. In addition, those compelling circumstances justifying a distribution from the Trust principal should be addressed in detail.

In short, it is incumbent upon the Church Board to make a convincing case that all other potential sources of funding have been thoroughly explored and found to be inadequate and the need is urgent and compelling for the request to be approved by the Endowment Trustees.

Adopted by Endowment Trustees: June 29, 2001.

The Declaration of Trust stipulates that there is to be acknowledgment of gifts to the Trust by wall plaque or other memorial. (Section 10. (c)).

An Endowment Memorial Tree, mounted on the wall in the northwest corner of the solarium, acknowledges contributions to the Endowment Trust. Each of the leaves on the tree identifies a donor (or a couple) who has donated $500 or more to the Trust. A looseleaf memorial notebook kept on the table under the tree lists all donors by year. The secretary of the Trust is responsible for maintaining and updating the tree and the memorial notebook annually.

4.4.9 The Memorial Garden Fund has been established. Brochure is included.

4.4.10 The Board of Trustees of UUCA establishes the Minister’s Discretionary Fund to be used to further the mission of the Church and congregation by enabling the Minister to assist members and friends in need while maintaining confidentiality and privacy. Funds may be given as a gift or loan, depending on the individual recipient’s circumstances.

The Minister is the sole arbiter of the use and administration of this fund. The church will establish a bank account for the purpose of managing the Fund. Money will be collected by specific donations from the members and friends whenever they wish to contribute – the Treasurer will collect the funds, acknowledge their receipt and transfer them to the Fund. The Treasurer will report to the Board of Trustees the income to the Fund on an annual basis.

The funds in the Minister’s Discretionary Fund are to be spent:

  1. In accordance with the mission and vision of the Church as interpreted by the Minister;
  2. Only for needs and purposes in keeping with the Church’s tax exempt status;
  3. As part of the Church’s ministry to members and friends.

The Minister has sole discretion over expenditures with the following restrictions, the Fund may not be used:

  1. for the direct or indirect benefit of the Minister and/or the Minister’s family;
  2. to provide compensation, benefits or gifts to staff.

As the fund is depleted a general announcement and request for donations can be made by the Minister. If and when the Minister retires or departs this fund will transfer to the incoming Minister should they choose to use it otherwise any balance will revert to the church.

Approved by Board 12-21-2016




The Church Directory shall list:

  1.  voting members, as defined by signage in the Membership Book
  2.  nonmembers who make an annual contribution to the church and would like to be listed in the directory
  3.  associate members, who are listed separately in the Church Directory.  These are members of the church who live out of town, would like to be listed in the directory and who make an annual contribution of $100.00 or more.


The Church Directory shall be published yearly after the Annual Canvass, since many changes become apparent at that time.

Approved by the Board 9 January 1990, revised , 2001



The mailing list for the church newsletter shall consist of:

  1.  All people who are in the Church Directory (see Section 4.5.5)
  2.  Former members who have moved out of the area and request mailings.  These persons often continue to support the church financially
  3.  People who have completed a yellow card and given the Church Administrator their email address may receive the newsletter electronically if they request it.
  4.  the St. Lawrence District executive

Approved by the Board 9 January 1990, revised ?, 2001



The purpose of this manual is to state the personnel policies and practices of the UUCA and thereby provide for efficiency and good working relationships among the staff, the Board of Trustees and members of the congregation. The personnel policies in this manual apply to all employees except the minister, with whom the Church has a contract or letter of agreement.


A. The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing and administering sound personnel policies and
encouraging staff professional development. In return, staff is expected to put forth its best effort at all times and
to observe the principles set forth in this manual.

B. The nature of our religious society presumes the observance of the highest ethical standards of practice by all staff. It is essential that staff observe the concept of confidentiality and protect the privacy and best interests of the congregation at all times.

C. The Church will operate under a written personnel policy that has been adopted by the Board. These policies will be subject to a continuing process of review and amendment.

D. The Church will not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices because of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.


A. Responsibility for Personnel Administration

Each staff person will work with their appropriate committee. The office staff will report to the President of the BOT or minister, as mutually agreed upon. The Personnel Committee Liaison will be available as a resource to all staff members.
B. Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee consists of a minimum of three, two members of the BOT and one member of the congregation but always with an odd number of members. The Minister serves as an ex officio member of the Committee. The BOT designates the chairperson of the Committee. Committee members serve a three-year term and may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

The Personnel Committee will prepare and present performance reviews for all staff members, except the minister, on an annual basis. Input on staff performance will be solicited from the appropriate committees, the minister, the BOT and the congregation as a whole. The Personnel Committee will make an annual report to the BOT, in Executive Session, prior to the annual meeting.

A more complete description of the Personnel Committee is contained in the By-laws.

c. Selection and Appointment of Personnel

1. Each position shall be defined in a job description covering duties, responsibilities and supervisory relationships.

2. When vacancies occur, the person best qualified for the position will be selected. Openings will be advertised in the Society’s newsletter and in the appropriate local public media.

d. Determination of Salary

Salaries are determined by the BOT upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee. Length and quality of service will be considered important bases for the determination of salary increases. The operating budget, which includes salaries, must be approved by the members of the congregation.


A. The Church may hire full-time and part-time employees.

l. Full-time.
An employee regularly working 35 hours or more per week, and 52 weeks per year during the 12 month year shall be considered a full-time employee, entitled to all legal and church benefits for which he/she is eligible. Full-time employees are not eligible for overtime pay.

2. Part-time 20 hours per week or more.
An employee working regularly less than 35 hours per week but 20 or more hours per week and 52 weeks per year during the 12 month church year shall be considered a part-time employee entitled to all legal and church benefits for which he/she is eligible. Part-time employees are not eligible for overtime pay.

3. Part-time less than 20 hours per week.
Where an employees is working less than 20 hours per week and/or less than 52 weeks per year, the BOT, through the Personnel Committee, may make individual employment arrangements with that employee except that such employees are not eligible for health insurance, sick pay, vacation pay and overtime pay.

B. All newly hired employees will be considered on probation for a period of six months, during which time their employment may be terminated at the discretion of the Personnel Committee and the BOT.


A. Legal Benefits and Deductions.

1. Federal and state income taxed deducted, as required by law.

2. Social Security coverage and deductions, as required by law.

3. Worker’s Compensation. No deduction. The Church pays in full.

4. New York State Disability Insurance. No deduction. The Church pays in full.

5. Unemployment Insurance, as required by law.
B. Church Benefits and Deductions

1. Health Insurance.
If an eligible employee desires health insurance and he/she is not covered under another plan, the Church will provide Health Benefits.

Part time employees working 20 hours or more per week and 52 weeks per year during the 12 month Church year will receive health benefits up to an amount determined according to the following formula (number of hours worked per week) 40 x (multiplied by) the appropriate coverage rate.

Full time employees (as defined above) will receive benefits per the appropriate coverage rate.

Family coverage will be offered for those with dependent children under the age of 21 and not covered by another plan. Coverage can be offered for spouses not covered by another plan.

The Personnel Committee will review the available Health Benefit plans annually prior to the “sign up” period and determine, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, what the Church can provide. This will be communicated to the employee in a timely fashion.

If the employee wants to choose a different plan than the Church offers they may. However, the Church will only provide reimbursement in the amount of the Church’s plan Any excess is the responsibility of the employee.

2. Retirement Benefits – Full time employees (as defined above) will be entitled to a 10% contribution to the Unitarian Universalist Organizations Retirement Plan managed by Fidelity Investments. Participation in the retirement plan will begin at the end of the employee’s six month probationary period.

3. Staff Development

The Church will endeavor to provide for staff professional development opportunities which benefit both the employee and the Church. If attendance is a requirement, the Church will reimburse all reasonable expenses and no leave time will be deducted.

Staff members may be excused from regular duties to attend appropriate conferences and workshops. Such attendance must be approved by Personnel Committee, the appropriate committee and the minister, as applicable.

All development funds will be listed in the budget.

 4.6.6   VI. LEAVE


1. Employees working regularly 20 hours or more per week and 52 weeks THROUGHOUT the 12 month church year receive 10 days vacation per calendar year. Vacation days are prorated by the number of hours worked, i.e., an employee who works 25 hours per week will receive a 5 hour vacation “day”. Employees after completion of five years’ employment, receive one additional day of vacation each year for the next (5) five years, to a maximum of 15 days. (Year 1-5 10 days, 6 years – 11 days, 7 years – 12 days, 8 years – 13 days, 9 years – 14 days, 10 years and over -15 days.)

2. Vacation time will accrue from the first day of employment.

3. No vacation time may be taken by an employee on probation.

4. Vacation time may not be accrued beyond a maximum of twenty days.

5. Accrued vacation will normally be paid to an employee at termination, unless termination is for grave misconduct, or occurs during the first six months of employment or occurs after insufficient notice from the employee, as stipulated in this manual.

6. Vacations will be scheduled in accordance with the Church’s needs. They must be approved in advance by the minister or supervisor.

1. There will be ten paid holidays for full time employees: New Years Day; Martin Luther King Day; Presidents Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving and Christmas plus two “floating” holidays of the employees choice, with approval of their supervisor.


1. Full-time employees will be entitled to one day of paid sick leave for every six weeks of employment.

2. Sick leave will accrue from the first day of employment.

3. Sick leave is to be used only for medical reasons which may include those of a member of the employee’s immediate family or household.

4. Sick leave may accumulate to a total of twenty working days.

5. An employee leaving employment for any reason other than medical reasons will not be paid for accumulated sick leave.

Unpaid leave may be granted at the discretion of the Personnel Committee and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.


Layoff or dismissal of employees will be approved by the BOT upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee and in consultation with the appropriate committee and the minister.


1. Employees are required to give 30 days notice of resignation.


1. Layoff is the termination of employment without prejudice to the worker, resulting from economic circumstances or conditions within the Society.

2. Employees will receive 30 days notice of termination by lay-off.


1. Dismissal is the discharge of an employee because of unsatisfactory job performance, following appropriate warning and discussion, or for grave misconduct, including but not limited to theft, substance use, violence, etc.

2. If dismissal is for unsatisfactory job performance, the employee will be given one week’s notice or may be dismissed immediately and paid for the one-week notification period.

Recommended by the Personnel Committee January 18, 2009.

Caretaker Agreement (2009)

This document represents an agreement between the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst (UUCA) and its caretaker ______________________. In exchange for specified caretaker duties as outlined below, the UUCA will provide the caretaker with the use of the building known as the Carriage House with the stipulations as indicated below. The caretaker agrees to abide by the rules outlined and will strive to meet the required duties as indicated. If the caretaker is no longer able or willing to carry out these duties, the cottage will need to be vacated within 14 days with notice provided to either the UUCA Church Administrator of the Board of Trustees Chair. If the Board liaison finds that the caretaker is not meeting the outlined responsibilities, he/she will schedule a meeting with the caretaker to discuss the issue. If the problems are not resolved to the Board’s satisfaction, the Board will ask the caretaker to vacate the premises.

1. UUCA Responsibilities
The UUCA will provide the Carriage House free of rent to the caretaker and will supply water and electricity. UUCA will maintain the heating, plumbing and overall structure of the Carriage House.

11. Caretaker Responsibilities
Caretaker is responsible for purchasing rental insurance to cover personal property, if desired, and for paying for all utilities not specified under UUCA responsibilities. Caretaker will pay a damage deposit of $_______ which will be returned upon vacancy of the Carriage House and its satisfactory inspection by someone designated by the Board of Trustees. The caretaker may make minor decorative changes to the Carriage House; However, requests for other modifications to the cottage should be made to the Board of Trustees or designated liaison. Caretaker should alert the Church Administrator or liaison if there are any cottage maintenance issued. Pets and smoking are not permitted in the Carriage House. Caretaker has one day off per week to be negotiated through the Caretaker Liaison to the Board, but this cannot be Friday, Saturday or Sunday except under extenuating circumstances. Caretaker must be present from 10am to noon on Sundays unless otherwise approved.

In exchange for free rent of the Carriage House, the caretaker is expected to open and close the church buildings on most days and provide minor cleaning and furniture arrangement as follows:

-Maintain clean and orderly church facilities (Private cleaners are responsible for detailed cleaning twice weekly, but general tidying is expected).

-Develop an opening and closing schedule for the week with the Church Administrator and ensure that all doors and windows are secured at the end of each day and all lights are turned off. If a meeting extends beyond 11pm, caretaker will inform the person in charge that they are responsible for locking all the doors and will show them how to do so.

-Monitor the condition of church facilities and make ordinary repairs as necessary or report any required repairs of a more extensive nature to the Church Administrator.

-Keep equipment in good repair and tool storage area neat.

-Regulate heat such that enough time is allowed to heat rooms to be used during the day; lower heat when rooms will not be used. On cold weekends, turn the Chapel Solarium and RE Wing heat on at Saturday lockup.

-Shovel walkways and salt, if needed. Sweep and clean walkways, if necessary. Remove snow from fire escapes so that they can be used in case of fire. Salt or sand any areas in the parking lot where ice poses a serious risk.

-Check all bathrooms and replenish paper towels, soap and toilet tissue and alert Church Administrator when supplies need to be ordered and restocked.

-Wipe down sinks and toilets as needed between visits from cleaning service.

-Empty all wastebaskets and garbage containers daily.

-Sweep and/or vacuum if needed between visits from cleaning service.

-Reposition furniture in rooms as needed.

-Assist in rearranging furniture for special church occasions.

Special Rental Events
Additional work may need to be done for special rental events (weddings, etc.). Caretaker will receive 10% of the proceeds to the church for this extra work in addition to regular salary.

All parties agree to the terms of this document:

Director of Religious Education (2009)

The Director of Religious Education (DRE) is responsible for the coordination of the church school program. He/she has a close working relationship with the Religious Education (RE) Copmmittee, which is responsible for the program of religious education for children through high school age. When there are program c0-directors, the specific duties listed below will be shared in a manner such that all requirements of the position of Director of Religious Education are fulfilled. Specific duties include:

1. Curriculum Development

-Prepare and distribute enrollment forms for children
-Collect data on the number and ages of participating children
-Determine appropriate class distribution
-Research available curricula
-Choose curriculum for each class, in consultation with the RE Committee
-Obtain curricula and any materials needed for implementation
-Develop and distribute a calendar for each academic year
-Consider and plan for long-range RE needs

11. Staffing and Teacher Training and Support
-Recruit teachers and substitute teachers
-Recruit volunteers for before-class guidance and after-class supervision
-Recruit volunteers or paid babysitters for occasional child supervision
-Update and distribute volunteer forms as per guidelines for Safe Congregations
-Perform background checks as per guidelines for Safe Congregations
-Provide orientation for teachers, substitutes, volunteers and babysitters.

Train teachers in the use of materials, teaching techniques, and the RE philosophy
Provide written and/or oral guidelines for those individuals unable to attend orientation

-Arrange special teaching resources as needed, such as assistance with lesson plans, literature, guest
Speakers, conferences, or O.W.L. training.

-Supervise classes and support teachers.

Observe each class regularly
Meet periodically with teaching teams.
Collect date from teachers regarding students, classes and any needs.
Consult with teachers, parents, and students if there are concerns.
Stock classroom supplies and report any room maintenance issues.
Keep teachers informed of policies, schedules, resources and events.

-Consider and plan for long-range RE staffing needs

111. Working with Children
-Teach a group class approximately once a month during the academic year

Share, through worship services or other means, some of the interests and insights of religion and
Attempt to stimulate children’s own questioning.

-Provide a group lesson and/or activity for Sundays when there are no regular RE classes, such as
Holiday weekends.
-Substitute teach on occasions when no teacher is available.
-Greet newcomers and help them integrate into the church school program.
-Evaluate children’s reactions to the church school program and meet with parents whose children
may have problems.
-Help plan and implement special RE activities that occur outside of church hours such as Holiday
Decorating, May Day, Middle School Fun Nights and intergenerational get-togethers.

1V. Contact with Parents, Congregation and the Community

-Submit a monthly column summarizing RE activities for the church newsletter
-Prepare items for the church newsletter, Order of Service and/or Sunday service announcements
that inform the congregation of special activities or needs.
-Communicate with parents via letters, signage or e-mail as needed.
-Interface with the minister, music director and relevant church committees to plan intergenerational
Services or events such as Second Sundays, Guest at Your Table, Holiday Play, Easter Egg Hunt,
Youth Sunday and RE Sunday.
-Attend RE-sponsored special events as much as possible.
-Foster personal contact with families and attempt to involve them in church school programs wherever
-Address any problems that arise related to teachers, parents, students or parishioner interactions, with
input from the minister or appropriate church committee as needed.
-Report to the Ministry Council regularly.
-Meet with the Board, Minister and church committees as needed.
-Advocate for children in all church matters that affect them, such as Safe Congregations, Right
Relations, Coffee Hour, physical plant, calendar planning and budget planning.
-Attend work-related meetings, conferences and educational activities periodically.
-Network with DREs from area UU churches.
-Exchange information with other DREs via distance networks.
-Obtain relevant information from the UUA or other church websites.
-Supply information regarding conferences of interest to youth, teachers and RE Committee members.
-Interact with other community organizations for purposes of education, service or shared ventures.

V. Administrative Responsibilities
-Open necessary classrooms each week and close them again afterward.
-Prepare tables or rooms for children to use during Coffee Hour and put away supplies afterward.
-Arrange for lessons or activities to occur on Sundays during the summer, including supervisory
Coverage for days when not on site.
-Maintain information on all children, teachers and volunteers.
-Maintain and provide accurate lists of RE Children and RE Families.
-Maintain attendance data for all classes.
-Use attendance records to provide accurate information on how active the children and families are.
-Maintain records of the formats of special events for future reference.
-Maintain supplies, reference files and library in the RE Office.
-Maintain financial records, including
Document petty cash transactions
Obtain prior approval from the RE Committee for larger expenditures
Submit receipts to the Church Administrator
Categorize expenditures for review by the RE Committee
Assist in preparing an annual RE Budget
-Supervise the preparation of classrooms prior to the academic year and the closing of classrooms at the
-Purchase, rent or arrange for equipment, materials and refreshments as needed.
-Arrange repairs, maintenance or replacement of equipment, materials and facility as needed, in
Conjunction with the Facilities Committee, Custodian and Church Administrator.

V1 Relationship with RE Committee
-Meet with the RE Committee approximately once a month
-Be a member of and resource person for the RE Committee
-Implement the decisions and policies of the RE Committee
-Keep the RE Committee informed of activities, results, resources and concerns.
-Receive supervision and feedback from the RE Committee
-Receive an annual review based on surveys of parents, teachers, the RE Committee and relevant
Colleagues in conjunction with the Personnel Committee.

Music Director

Worship Service Leadership
Leads choral music
Accompanies choral and congregational singing.
Personal Music practice and preparation.
Coordination of music within the service.
Recruits instrumentalists and vocalists.

Choir Management
Works with Music Committee to establish general policies.
Meets with church staff to coordinate music for church programs and the weekly service.
(e.g. Minister, RE Director, etc.) as often as needed.
Recruitment of new members.
Schedules choral participation in Sunday worship services.
Prepares and leads Thursday choral rehearsals and Sunday warm-ups.
Develops volunteer leadership to assist with outside choral activities such as socials, concert attendance, etc.
Works to retain members and identify reasons for any members leaving the choir.

Choral Music Selection and Planning
Research and review choral music possibilities (e.g. visit music stores, other churches’ music libraries,
Attend workshops, other church services, etc.)
Selects appropriate music for the UU choir and as needed, rewrites music and text.
Works with various instrumentalists to add variety to choral music and service music.
Arranges files and maintains choral music library.

Choir Music Development and Expansion
Supports choir members’ musical interests through the selection of solos, through coaching sessions, and in any other way which promotes individual development to enhance choir quality.
Invites RE children to participate with the choir on special occasions.

Performance Standards
Actual choir performances are from September through June with an appropriate mid-year break.
There will be at least three choral performances per month except for variations caused by the church calendar and the midyear break.

The Choir Director is accountable to the Music Committee and ultimately to the Church Board through the Personnel Committee.
The Choir Director will receive an annual review based on feedback from the Music Committee, the Minister, and the Parishioners in conjunction with the Personnel Committee.


No updated job-description available



4.7.1   BUILDING USE (weddings, funerals, committee events)

The use of Church buildings for weddings, outside groups and committees will be permitted according to the following guidelines.


  2.  The Chapel shall be available for weddings, funerals, memorial services without charge to families of the congregation who contribute to the support of the church.  The Custodian shall perform “normal” custodial service as part of his or her regular duties.  If additional services are required, the user shall make special arrangements.
  3.  All weddings, funerals and memorial services shall be scheduled by the Minister and reported to the Church Administrator for inclusion on the church calendar.
  4.  Only church contributors may use the reception rooms and kitchen.  A small custodial fee shall be charged.  See 5.2 Rules for the Use of the Kitchen.
  5.  Nonmembers shall be charged for the use of the chapel for weddings, funerals and memorial services.

(a)  The Church Administrator shall bill the nonmember at the time the chapel is reserved.

(b)  The fee shall be paid in advance of the ceremony.

  1. Schedule of fees:  see “Suggested Donation Schedule for Non-members”, available from the

      Church Administrator.

  1.  Fees required for weddings performed in the Minister’s study shall be at the discretion of the Minister.



NOTE:  see also 4.2.2 Committee Events

  1.  Church committees and affiliates shall schedule all meetings and sponsored events through the Church Administrator.
  2.  Such events will be published in the Foreword and the Order of Service.
  3.  At least one committee member shall be responsible for the setup and cleanup of the event.



All other uses of church buildings shall be in accordance with the policies described in Section 4.7.5.


Approved by the Board 24 June 1958, 25 July 1958 (revision), 16 April 1964 (revision), 12 December 1968 (revision), December 1971 (revision), 23 July 1973 (revision), 26 September 1973 (revision), 3 December 1973 (revision), 21 January 1974 (revision), April 1980 (major revision), September 1991 (revision)



In order to avoid an alcohol-related accidents and to respond to legal concerns, the following policy regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages on church property is set forth.


Alcoholic beverages will not be sold at an event on church property except by a licensed and insured bartender or caterer.  Further, any bartender or caterer hired for this purpose must provide license and insurance proof to the Church Administrator prior to the event.


When alcoholic beverages are served at events, they will not be served to those under the age of 21, or to persons who appear to be intoxicated.  When alcoholic beverages are served, equally accessible and attractive nonalcoholic alternatives must also be available.


Any deviations from this policy must be approved by the Board of Trustees.


This policy is to be included in all rental agreements and will be acknowledged by member’s signature.


Approved by the Board, 1987, 9 January 1990 (revised)



The use of church facilities for other than weddings, funerals or committees, etc., shall be done in accordance with the following guidelines.

  1.  Must have approval of the Board of Trustees.


  1.  Reservations for building use shall be made with the Church Administrator.

(a)  A written statement shall be prepared at the time the reservation is entered on the church calendar.  This shall acknowledge the receipt of the advance payment and shall clearly indicate the balance due and the date of the event.

(b)  The original shall be sent to the person making the reservation.  One copy shall be filed in the church office; one given to the Custodian; and one to the Treasurer (if a fee is involved).  Additional copies may be made for other people involved.


  1.  The use of the outdoor church facilities is subject to the same regulations as those for the building.  Fees for such use will be established on a individual basis for each request.


  1.  The church may offer the chapel and other facilities without charge when the occasion is clearly in  the public interest and consistent with the purposes of the church (e.g., Red Cross Bloodmobile, organizational meeting for local community project; public meetings on ecology, open housing, etc.)


  1.  When justified by the general benefits to the community, the use of the church may be offered without a SPECIFIC charge for regular meetings.

(a)  Contributions towards the cost of utilities and custodial car ear in order.

(b)  If the organization has no procedure for receiving and distributing funds, a collection at each meeting would be appropriate.

  1.  The electronic sound system shall be operated ONLY by qualified persons.  The fee for such operation shall be a minimum of $10.00, applying to rehearsals as well as functions.
  2.  Unaffiliated groups may not use the church for fundraising purposes.

(Date unknown)????


  1.  The Board of Trustees shall review contracts for building use by outside groups in April of each year

Passed August 9, 1994


  1.  No outside group may use the Chapel for purposes which require moving pews, with the exception of Congregation Havurah.

Passed March 8, 1994



The entire building is declared smoke-free as of September 1, 1994.

Passed June 14, 1994



Animals, with the exception of certified canine assistants, are discouraged  from the church building, with the exception of the nursery, and prohibited in the kitchen.   Renters, with the exception of Day Care, are prohibited from bringing animals into the building.

Passed August 20, 2002




It is resolved that the Unitarian Universalist Church Of Amherst’s property be declared a nuclear free zone pursuant to the declaration of the Unitarian Universalist Association, to wit:  By this action we declare that the testing, production, transport, deployment, use or threatened use of nuclear weapons shall not be permitted on our properties.

Passed by the Congregation 8 June 1986.  For – 54, Against – 4


The Unitarian Universalist church of Amherst out of humanitarian concern for the people of Russia who are without adequate food supplies, resolves to support Operation Soviet Emergency Food Lift by preparing packages of food to be send to Russia during February and March of 1992.  We will send these packages to a distribution center in Maryland from which they will be shipped to Russian by the United Methodist Committee on Relief under the auspices of the World Council of Churches and with support of the Red Cross, and then shipped on a non-sectarian basis in the Moscow area by a coalition of denominations and lay groups led by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Passed by the Congregation, 9 February 1992.  Vote:  For – 57, Against – 7


During the autumn of 1980, we found that a woman was living in an old station wagon car in our parking lot.  She was mentally ill at the time and although she would come into the building, she would run and hide in her car whenever anyone approached. her.  People in the church who knew about the situation would leave food in the kitchen where she would find it early in the morning.  As the weather became cooler, the custodian, Steve, would allow her to remain in the building overnight.  As soon as anyone came into the church in the morning, she would run away.  Eventually she did not run from the Minister, Felix Lion.  However, she insisted on staying in her cold car during the day and did not come into the building on nights when there were church activities.


Because people were worried about her, several attempts were made by congregational social workers and psychologists to talk her into accepting either treatment or welfare, but she refused.  Finally an ultimatum was given her by two of our social workers:  she must either accept welfare and accommodation in the YWCA or she would not be allowed on our property.  She accepted the welfare and accommodation and moved off our property just before Christmas.  The social workers of our congregation probably saved her life.

Precedent Setting Action Fall 1980


The Board of Trustees voted unanimously after much discussion to restrict access to the pulpit of an individual who was tentatively scheduled to speak at an upcoming church service.  This Board decision was made in response to numerous requests from members of the congregation that this person not be allowed to speak, and also was based on the Board’s own judgment that this person had previously engaged in actions that were incompatible with our approach to worship.

This decision was based on the UU policy of congregational polity.  This UUA policy makes clear that each congregation with the UUA has the right to decide for itself how it wishes to worship.  Since the Board, as the elected representatives of the congregation, has day-to-day responsibility for decisions on such matters, it was felt that it was the Board’s responsibility to make this difficult decision.

Precedent Setting Action 24 January 1988


The Board voted unanimously after discussion to legally prohibit an individual from entering upon the premises, building or grounds owned by the UU Church of Amherst.  This person had been living in a tent in the nature area to the rear of the church and refused to leave when asked by Board members and the church custodian.  This person also acted in a belligerent and threatening manner to church members on numerous occasions and had a history of violence.

Precedent Setting Action 11 June 1989


At a Special Congregational Meeting 5/5/07 the congregation approved unanimously that the UUCA apply for accreditation as a Green Sanctuary with the UUA.  It was also decided that the church pay the $100.00 application fee and the congregation endorsed the WNY Climate Action Coalition.

5.0 Rental Information




Rummage Sale

The Board decided that during the rummage sale, if a church committee finds an article that could be useful for said committee or the church, it should be provided at no cost.   4/10/07


Rental rules for Commercial Use of Church Property

The Board unanimously approved a motion that any commercial use of church property requires a normal rental payment as per the rental agreements in the Church Handbook.  8/14/07


The rental section was updated May 2018


UUCA Rental Policy 2018

Effective July 1,2018

Table of Fees

Non Profit Groups Private Groups
Under 3 hrs.* Under 3 hrs.*
Chapel $150 $300
Emerson Room $125 $250
Emerson Room with Kitchen $150 $300
Living Room **$20/$30 $60
Dining Room $20 $40
Faith Development Wing Room ***$20 $40
Reeb Room $20 $40
Reception Area (Art Wall in Chapel) $20 $40

*An additional fee may be added for events that run more than four hours

**Fee will be determined by Renter Liaison.

**FD Classrooms.  A Discount rate of $10/room is given to renters using multiple classrooms.


  •         All renters must sign a rental agreement.
  •         A Non-refundable $50 caretaker fee is required for all weddings, memorial services, and private group events
  •         A Non-refundable %50 deposit is required to secure reservations for one-time events
  •         Church members needing a room for a private event will be given a discount. Contact the church office.
  •         Our state-of-the-art Media Center, located in the Emerson room, can be used for corporate meetings and various presentations. The building caretaker will instruct new users on its operation.
  •         Those renting the Chapel for wedding ceremonies or musical events will be permitted one additional use of the sanctuary for a rehearsal (3 hours maximum) on a date preceding the event at no extra charge.  For rehearsal dinners at the church, a discounted fee will be charged.
  •         After any meeting or event, the UUCA property must be undamaged and returned to good order.
  •         UUCA reserves the right to relocate no-fee reservations to appropriate alternative locations if needed for UUCA sponsored or fee-paying events.

Affinity Groups

  •         Groups with three or more UUCA members whose purpose is in keeping with the principles of UUCA may apply to the Board of Trustees Renters Liaison for ‘Affinity status’.  However, if there is a charge to participants to attend that group or event, they must pay the non-profit rates.
  •         Affinity status will be reviewed annually by the Renters Liaison.

Non-Profit Groups

  •         Groups fitting the following criteria may apply to the Board of Trustees Renters Liaison for non-profit status and will be charged at a reduced or non-profit rate:

                            Spiritual, cultural, or educational in nature, or support group

                            In keeping with the principles of UUCA

                            Must not charge a membership/participation fee

  •         Non-profit status will be reviewed annually by the Renters Liaison.


  •         Services of the minister are free for members.  For non-members, wedding fees do not include payment of officiating minister, which is based on current UUA recommended rates and negotiated separately.
  •         Use of the Living room and/or Emerson room as a dressing/waiting area is included at no extra charge.
  •         OUTSIDE MUSICIANSYou may bring outside musicians to the church for your wedding, but use of the church’s instruments requires a rental fee and permission from the church.
  •         A SOUND SYSTEM is available for playing music at the wedding. The building caretaker will give instructions in its use at the wedding rehearsal.
  •         DECORATIONS AND RUNNERS: Decorations may be fastened only with ribbon, string, or rubber-bands. Nails, tacks, tape, wire, etc. are prohibited. You may use a runner. It must be 50 feet long, and usually is delivered with the flowers. We ask that dyed flower petals be scattered only if a florist runner is being used.
  •         Weddings must be paid in full two weeks before the event date or they will be assumed cancelled and removed from the church calendar.
  •         Weddings paid in full & then cancelled are subject to a cancellation/processing fee.  The 50% deposit is non-refundable.
  •         It is recommended that wedding renters with an outside minister obtain their own liability insurance, and add UUCA as an additional insured on the certificate.



Memorial Services:

  •         The chapel and fellowship hall with kitchen (Emerson Room) are available at the following discounted rates for memorials.

Members: Chapel:  $50; Emerson Room: $25; Caretaker Fee:  $25

Service of minister is free.

Non-members: Chapel: $100; Emerson Room: $75; Kitchen: $25, Caretaker Fee: $50;

Minister Services: $250 (or current standard UU rate)

Contact the Music Director about musicians for memorials.  Additional fees may apply.

Child Dedication/Child Naming Ceremonies:

  •         Members may have the ceremony during Sunday Worship services or have a private ceremony.  Non-members may have only a private ceremony.
  •         Please contact the minister to discuss your naming ceremony and fee details.


  • Any publicity, internal or external, must list the sponsoring organization.
  • Groups not affiliated with UUCA may not indicate that they are sponsored by UUCA
  • Only events sponsored by the UUCA or by its affiliated groups may be publicized in our newsletters, orders of service and pulpit announcements.
  • Events not sponsored by UUCA or its affiliated groups may be listed on our calendars; however, there will be a clear differentiation between UUCA-sponsored events and outside events.
  • Publicity for non-UUCA events may be included in the Wednesday email blasts and/or posted on the Community Events bulletin board, in accordance with current posting guidelines as long as it is deemed of general interest to the congregation as a whole.

Serving Alcohol

  • Alcohol may be served in accordance with the UUCA alcohol policy and New York State law.
  • No alcohol may be left on the premises. “Bring it in, tote it out”.

Miscellaneous fees:

  •         Use of Kitchen (Coffee Only) with a room other than Emerson Room: $50
  •         Dinner ware & church linens may be used by non-members for a $100 fee; All items must be cleaned and returned at end of event

Piano Rental

  •         The Grand Piano in the chapel may be used at the discretion of the Music Director
  •         There is a $50 rental fee (excluding tuning)
  •         All piano use rules must be followed.



UUCA Updated Event Rental Agreement –This is filled out with each new rental along with a copy of the Rules Governing Use of Facilities.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst

6320 Main Street

Williamsville, NY 14221

Phone 716.634.3010 Fax 716.634.3012



I/We, __________________________________________ hereby agree to rent from The Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst (known as the Church) the following room(s), for the date and times specified, along with the function and the fee listed below:

Room(s):       ______________________________________________

Date/Time:    ______________________________________________

Function:      ______________________________________________

Fee:               ____________,    Non-Refundable Reservation Deposit (50% of fee)_________

Non-Refundable Caretaker Fee $50.00   (made payable to Chris Barry)


I/We agree to bring in our own trash bags to remove all garbage from trash cans at the end of our function.  All trash must be taken to the dumpster, which is enclosed behind a wooden fence near the circular driveway at the rear parking lot of the church.  We are a Green Sanctuary. Styrofoam products are not permitted in the building. All lights will be turned off upon leaving the premises. The Caretaker is responsible for opening and closing the building the day of the event.

I/We understand that I/we may place items in the kitchen refrigerator if necessary, but all items must be removed at the end of my/our function.  No use of the stove or dishwashing equipment may be used by one-time, private-party renters due to Liability Insurance issues within our policy.


I/We understand that alcoholic beverages will not be sold at an event on church property except by a licensed and insured bartender or caterer.  Further, any bartender or caterer hired for this purpose must provide license and insurance proof to the Office Administrator prior to the event.

I/We agree that if we serve, or allow to be consumed, any alcoholic beverages on Church property during our event, they will not be served to, or consumed by, any person under twenty-one years of age and/or to any person who appears to be intoxicated.  When alcoholic beverages are served, equally accessible and attractive nonalcoholic alternatives must also be available. No alcohol may be left on church premises.


I/We agree to pay the full cost of repairing any damage which is done to any property of the Church by any person whose presence on Church property is related to this function. If the Church determines that repair is not possible, we agree to replace any property of the Church damaged by any person whose presence on Church property is related to this function.


I/We agree to indemnify and hold harmless the church from and against any and all claims, judgments, actions, losses and expenses imposed upon or incurred by or asserted against the Church, or any of its members, agents, officers, directors or employees, which arise out of my/our use of Church property.

(see over)

 Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst


I/We accept responsibility for the aforementioned activity and will ensure compliance with all rules governing the use of the property, incorporated herein by reference.



Name:____________________________________    Email:___________________

Address:  _________________________________________



Phone:   _________________________________________

Organization:  (if applicable) __________________________

Name of Insurance company (if applicable) _______________________

Signature: _____________________________________ Date:________________________

Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst:

Administrator:    _____________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________



Rules Governing Use of Facilities given to Renter   __________

Rental Agreement signed and returned                    __________

Copy of Liquor Permit, if applicable               __________

Copy of Cert. of Liability Insurance, if applicable        __________

Non Refundable Caretaker Fee ($50.00) Payable to Chris Barry            __________

Non-Refundable Reservation Deposit (50% of total fee)                    __________

Balance of fee (due two weeks prior to event)            __________


         (Date balance is due: ____________)


UUCA Updated Rules Governing Use of Facilities.  This is filled out with each new rental along with a copy of the Rental Agreement.


Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst

6320 Main Street

Williamsville, NY 14221

Phone 716.634.3010 Fax 716.634.3012



The following rules have been set forth and approved by the Board of Trustees in an effort to avoid misunderstandings regarding the use of the church facilities and are incorporated in and made part of any Agreement Regarding Use.

  1. The Church office maintains a weekly church calendar on which are listed all regularly scheduled activities, the name of the organization, date and time, room or area assigned, and the name of person in charge.
  2. In order to rent UUCA church space, an individual or organization must make a request through the Church Office. Requests should be made far enough in advance in order to secure the approval for use, to execute and register the facilities agreement, and have the group listed on the calendar at least two weeks prior.
  3. If a renter will not be using the facilities as scheduled, the Office Administrator must be notified as soon as possible so the church can be properly locked. Cancellation of an event in less than two weeks prior to the scheduled date will result in the non-refundable Reservation Deposit fee along with the Caretaker fee.
  4. No event may be held in the church at which alcoholic beverages are sold unless a licensed and insured bartender or caterer provides a permit that has been obtained from the New York State Liquor Authority, and a copy is provided to the Office Administrator prior to the event. (Please see rental agreement for other requirements.) No alcohol should be left on premises after an event.
  5. All Church-related and sponsored functions will take precedence over any other organization’s use of the facilities.
  6. Activities must be confined to the specific room/area assigned to the organization/renter, and for the date(s) and time(s) agreed upon.
  7. Kitchen facilities may only be used with prior assignment and approval, and are subject to an additional set of rules governing their use. (Please refer to attached kitchen rules if kitchen use has been requested).
  8. No children under 18 are permitted to be in the church before, during or after event without adult supervision.  Adult supervisor(s) are responsible for seeing that all minors have left the building before they themselves leave.
  9. The organization/person-in-charge for signing the Rental Agreement is responsible for ensuring that all rooms/areas used are left in clean and orderly condition, and that all trash and recyclables are removed. The UUCA is a Green Sanctuary and has strict recycling rules. If there are any questions about recycling rules, contact the church office.  Renters will bring their own trash bags and remove all trash and recyclables to the dumpster and recycling containers.  Church property or damage beyond normal wear may result in forfeiture of some or all of the Event Fees, and additional subsequent damage and replacement charges may be added if fees are not sufficient to cover a loss.
  10. The Rentals Liaison to the Board of Trustees must approve any modification to the Agreement, Rules or Fees governing the use of UUCA facilities.
  11. No equipment will be removed from the premises.



  1. In an effort to contain operational costs, please be sure that all doors and windows are closed during the

   heating and air-conditioning season in order to conserve energy.

  1. Use of the front lawn is limited to photographic sessions only. No activities of any kind shall be permitted

  on the front lawn, including weddings, sports activities, picnics, etc. without the prior approval of the

  Board of Trustees.

I, _________________________________________ have read the “Rules Governing the Use of Facilities by Renters” agreement, presented to me, prior signing the Rental Agreement.  I understand the information

provided in this document, and agree to abide by these regulations.

Renter’s Signature: ______________________________________________

              Date:   ______________________________

Administrator’s Signature: ________________________________________

               Date: _______________________________


UUCA Updated Use of Kitchen Rules.  This is given with each new rental where the kitchen is used or to anyone requesting a copy.


Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst

6320 Main Street

Williamsville, NY 14221

Phone 716.634.3010 Fax 716.634.3012




        The UUCA kitchen is a licensed food service facility. Erie County Department of Health guidelines should be followed in all food preparations.


  1. 1.  STOVES

        Please clean top of stove, drip pans and lift the top to clean the area around the gas burners.

Please check to see that the ovens are OFF after use. Check for spills.  If necessary, squeeze a little water on to spills and wipe up with paper towels. DO NOT USE SCOURING PADS, SCOURING CLEANSER OR ANY CAUSTIC SUBSTANCES.  The ovens are self-cleaning and will be cleaned on a regular basis.


Please DO NOT leave food or beverage items in the refrigerator. Take any and all leftovers home with you.  If you do not wish to take the leftovers home, be sure to pour beverages in the sink and wrap all food before taking it to the dumpster.  Food garbage should not be placed in the kitchen trash receptacle, especially coffee grounds.


        Alcoholic beverages may not be left on the premises. Pour open containers down the sink and remove any unopened beverages.  See the Renters Agreement for more on the Alcohol policy.


  1. 4. DISHES

        Wash and put away all dishes, pots, silverware, coffee pots, etc. We cannot be responsible for   items left on counters, drains, etc.


Wash with soap and water, then sanitize with a bleach & water solution. Directions are posted in the kitchen.

  1.     FLOORS

        Check the condition of the floor.  Mop up any spills and/or water you have caused.

  1.     RECYCLING

        Remove and/or return your pop bottles, milk bottles, and cans from the kitchen.


        See that the ventilator fan is turned off.  Be sure all the lights are off.


I, _________________________________________ have read the Rules For the Use of The Kitchen agreement, presented to me, prior to signing the Rental Agreement.  I understand the information provided in this document, and agree to abide by these regulations.

Renter’s Signature: ______________________________________________

              Date:   ______________________________

Administrator’s Signature: ________________________________________

               Date: _______________________________





5.3.1  The use of the piano and/or organ must be specifically arranged for separately from the rental of the space and there will be an additional charge.


5.3.2  The rental fee per event for the piano is $50.  


5.3.3  No food or drink or any other object is to be placed on the piano.


5.3.4  If the piano needs to be repositioned from its usual place, this should be arranged in advance so the Church Caretaker can do it.  Should it be necessary to move the piano during an event, two people should move it and do so slowly — ALWAYS with the lid down.


5.3.5  If any damage occurs to the piano during an event, the group/person in charge shall be liable for repairs.


Board of Trustees

Passed 14 September 1999; amended June 2015 (organ does not exist), amended May 2017 (change to $50 fee)




1  Church Administrator


2  Custodian  (  See above 4.6)


3  Religious Education Director    ( See above 4.6)


4  Adult Education Director


5  Music Director  (  See above 4.6)


6  Ministers


7  Member of the Board of Trustees


8  Board Recording Secretary



(to be updated 2010)


Approved by the Board of Trustees, 9 January 1990



Maintain and replenish all office supplies as necessary.

Schedule and coordinate all necessary repairs on office equipment.



Maintain and keep safe all church records and files.

Prepare and distribute the church newsletter The Foreword.

–  The Foreword shall contain all articles that are relevant to church life received from the congregation and Minister.  It shall also contain information relevant to the district, denomination and community news, concerns and publicity, as appropriate.

–  The Foreword shall be prepared twice each month during the normal church year (September through June), and once each month during the summer months

–  Current, 210 copies of the Foreword need to be prepared

–  Mail one (1) copy of the Foreword to each person or family on the mailing list (see Church Policy item 4.5.3).     

  Also enclose one (1) copy of the district newsletter Lines when available


–  Save two (2) unfolded copies of the Foreword for the Church Archives

–  Put all extra copies of the Foreword on the literature table in the Solarium.


Prepare the Order of Service and place a sufficient number of copies in the Usher’s mailbox each week before Sunday morning (currently need 125 copies for regular Sunday services, 75 for Christmas Candlelight Service and 95 for the Christmas Family Service).

–  The Order of Service shall contain the outline of the planned service received from the Minister, guest speaker or the Worship Committee

–  The Order of Service shall contain notices relevant to the life of the church (similar to those of the Foreword).

Assist with the Annual Fund Drive (“the Canvass”) as requested by the Canvass Chairperson (e.g. printing, mailings, receiving pledge cards and transmitting Fund Drive pledge information to the Assistant Treasurer for billing purposes.

Prepare and distribute the minutes of all Board meetings:

–  Distribute one (1) copy draft and approved minutes to each Board Member via their mailboxes

–  Distribute one (1) copy of approved minutes to each Committee Chairperson via their mailboxes

–  Post one (1) copy of the approved minutes on the church newsletter boards (in the Solarium, at the bottom of the stairs to the RE wing, at the top of the stairs between the church office and the Minister’s study)

–  Place three (3) copies of the approved minutes in the church files


Prepare and distribute the Church Annual Report:

–  Include reports from all Committee Chairpersons

–  Include reports from the Minister and Board Chairperson

–  Include the financial report from the preceding year

–  Include the budget for the current/upcoming year.


Update and distribute the Church Directory with the help of the Minister and the members of the congregation who are responsible for this:

–  The updated Church Directory shall be printed, copied and mailed to all members and friends of the church that are listed in the directory

–  Additional copies are to be kept in the church office for new members and friends of the church, or for other uses (about 40 copies are usually sufficient for this)

–  Maintain a master copy of the Church Directory with all changes (e.g., new members, new addresses) throughout the church year

–  Put one (1) copy of each year’s Church Directory in the Church Archives.


Provide administrative support to church programs and event (e.g., prepare material for Auction and other church events).


When a letter from our District UUA representative is received in the church, it should be duplicated and distributed as follows:

–  one (1) to each Board member

–  one (1) to the Minister

–  25 to be place on the literature table

Also, there shall be an announcement in the Order of Service stating that availability of these if there is room.


Support the Church Board of Trustees as required:

–  Maintain Board Member’s folders and place out when there is to be a Board meeting

–  Carry out all necessary Board correspondence.


Support the Minister as required:

–  Assist the Minister in managing his or her schedule as directed by the Minister)

–  Carry out all necessary Minster correspondence.


Maintain the church calendar:

–  Coordinate with church renters and schedule church use as appropriate

–  Coordinate with church committees, the Board and members and schedule church use as appropriate

–  Coordinate with the Church Custodian to make sure church is open and heated when there are meetings and events.


Keep the literature racks full and reorder brochures when necessary.  Keep bulletin boards clean, taking down outdated notices.  Monitor items on bulletin boards for proper location (e.g., social concerns, community news) and for appropriateness.  Inappropriate material or questionable material shall be brought to the attention of the Board.


Maintain guest register book in the Solarium and keep the mailing list up to date.  For each first-time visitor, send a welcome letter from the Minister and add their names to the mailing list and card file.


Update mailing list once each year.  This entails sending a letter to those who have been receiving the Foreword for six (6) months but have not joined the church.  In the letter ask whether they wish to continue to receive the Foreword and if so, to please send $15.00 to cover preparation and mailing costs.


When someone joins the church:

–  Add this person or family to the list of persons who will receive the UU World

–  Add this person or family to the Church Directory Master List

–  Include a welcome to the church notice in the Foreword

–  Send this person a letter from the Financial Continuity Committee along with a pledge card.


Receive church mail and distribute as appropriate.


Perform all other duties necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the church as appropriate.



Write checks to pay all Church Staff Members.  These are to be paid on the 15th and 30th of each month or according to a schedule agreed upon with the staff members.

Write checks to pay all legitimate church bills (e.g., utilities, repair bills, office management expenses).

Maintain records of all expenditures made via the church checking account and petty cash accounts and inform the Church Treasurer of these expenditures.

Accept and deposit all church income (e.g., pledge payments, rent).  Maintain records of these receipts and inform the Church Treasurer.  Keep records of Sunday collections.

Identify and make known to the Board any needs for capital improvements.



Serve as the communications link between all church staff members and the congregation as necessary.

Administer all special tasking of the Church Caretaker (e.g., tasks relating to repairs and cleanup not part of normal weekly activities).  Requests for such custodial tasks must be made through the Church Administrator.



Accept all incoming calls to the church and represent the church:

–  Answer questions about the church, its services and events

–  Route calls to the Minister when necessary or take messages.



Salary:  determined by the Board of Trustees, paid semi-monthly or as otherwise agreed


Hours:  average of 20 hours per week, generally in the mornings.  However, hours can be arranged to suit the mutual needs and convenience of the church and the Church Administrator.


Paid Holidays:  10 per year as follows:

1)  New Year’s Day

2)  Patriots’ Day

3)  Good Friday

4)  Memorial Day

5)  Fourth of July

6)  Labor Day

7)  Thanksgiving Day

8)  Christmas Day

9&10)  2 days of the Church Administrator’s choice connected with days 1 though 8


Illness and Personal Time:

one (1) day for each month of employment, accruable to a maximum of 120 working days (including maternity leave)


Resignation and Termination:

An employee wishing to resign his or her position is requested to state these intentions one (1) month prior to the anticipated severance date.


Should the Board of Trustees wish to terminate the services of an employee, it shall do so in writing, stating the cause of the action, and will advise the employee of these intentions a minimum of one (1) month prior to dismissal.  Malfeasance is grounds for immediate termination without compensation.


Snow Days:  A snow day off, with pay, will be constituted when the school system of the Church Administrator’s residence announces that it is closing.


Physical Examination:  Prospective employees must supply a statement regarding their personal health condition from a family doctor.


Annual Evaluation:  There shall be an evaluation of the employee’s performance each year, roughly at the time of the annual meeting.  This evaluation shall be communicated to the employee and made part of his or her file.




Approved by the Board of Trustees February, 1995


Mission Statement:

To give people an opportunity to view the world in a different way.


Job Description:


The Director of Adult Education arranges for or finds others to arrange for these church events:

o An all-church retreat, usually at the Chautauqua Institution, in the fall of the year

o Warm Winter Wednesday, on a weekday evening(s):  consisting of classes, lectures, games, discussions or other events suited to those attending

o The New Perspectives Program, consisting of workshops or special programs including lectures or group discussions.  Topics are usually of current interest.








The duties of the Minister are defined by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Section IX, and by the Guidelines for the Unitarian Universalist Ministry set forth by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association.  However, only those portions of the Guidelines for the Unitarian Universalist Ministry that contain no financial obligation beyond that already in place apply.  This was adopted by the congregation on 7 February 1986.


In addition to these descriptions of the Minister’s duties and relation to the congregation, the following guidance is provided.  This is based on a Board resolution adopted on 17 June 1965.


“In addition to provisions for annual review of Minister’s salary and for continuing rapport between the Board and the Minister, there should be at least once-a-year review of the general health of the church as it relates to the ministry; and in addition to such an end of year review, there should be a mid-year assessment, generally in June.”





–publicizes any social action project undertaken by the congregation

–informs the congregation of  Board activities through “Board Notes” in the Foreword

–reviews the membership roll annually for the sake of purging the membership

–must approve of the use of the church by outside groups

–must review any building use contracts held by outside groups


Duties concerning church policy

–safeguards and promotes the wellbeing and progress of the congregation

–interprets the Church Constitution and Bylaws

–may approve exceptions to previous Board resolutions and policies

–takes in hand any petition to amend the Church Constitution and Bylaws

–maintains the Church Policy Handbook (this document)

–must approve any deviation from the alcoholic beverages policy


Meetings, term of office, etc.

–meets at least once a month except July and August

–is automatically retired upon being absent from 3 consecutive Board meetings unless 6 Board members

 wish to retain the member

–may be of any age, but must be a voting member of the congregation for at least 1 year

–selects Board officers at first meeting of the year, defines their duties and may recall them

–approves possession by Board members of any keys to the main entrance to the church


Duties concerning congregational meetings

–decides on the date of the annual congregational meeting and may call special ones

–submits the annual budget for congregational approval


Duties concerning church employees

–responsible for establishing salaries, employment, promotions and release of employees except ministers


Duties concerning  church committees

–serves as liaison to several of the church’s committees and arrives at an understanding of those

  committees functions with the committee chairpersons; liaisons must also approve any expenditure in

  excess of $25 over the budgeted amount for that committee

–selects committees or chairpersons from the congregation and may recognize new groups as committees

–appoints all chairpersons of committees and determines annually if they wish to continue in that

  position for the next year

–directs the Nominating Committee to meet in order to select their committee chairman

–appoints 1 member of the Nominating Committee annually and fills any vacancies

–appoints members of the Ministerial Advisory Committee

–determines appropriateness of any planned worship service in conjunction with the Worship Committee


Fiscal duties

–approves of any single committee expenditure over $200 ($750 for the Building Committee)

–confers with major donors whenever major expenditures are contemplated

–approves any proposal that would grant funds to any group associated with the church

–approves of the purpose of any gift to the church and uses the funds whenever appropriate

–approves of any fund raising activities except the annual canvass

–appoints an audit committee to conduct an annual audit at the end of the fiscal year

–may contract any obligation up to $4000 without congregational approval

–appoints the Treasurer


Approved by the Board of Trustees 2001




It is the responsibility of the Board to keep the congregation informed of committees and of Board activities through “Board Notes”, a column in the Foreword.  The “Board Notes” will, at a minimum, provide a summary of resolutions and actions taken at Board meetings.

Approved by the Board, 3 February 1974, 9 January 1990 (Revised):


It will be the responsibility of the Board recording secretary to maintain this document.  This will include keeping this document current to reflect new or changed policies and important precedent-setting action and will include appropriate dissemination of the document (which will include at a minimum all new Board members).  The Board may consider forming a committee to perform this function.

Approved by the Board 9 January 1990, ? 2001 (revised)




This information can be accessed on the web at www.uuma.org:

–click ‘Documents’

–click ‘Code of Professional Practice’

–click ‘Guidelines’