Green Sanctuary Recertification
The UU Church of Amherst received official accreditation as a Green Sanctuary in August 2009. We are in the process of completing the last stage of recertifying our Green Sanctuary status.
We started this journey via the creation of UUCA Planet Thursdays, a small cohort who conducted a self assessment of the church’s use of resources in relationship to the larger community using the following guide.

A private facebook page, UU Planet Thursday, was created to share climate and environmental justice information and is open to any member of the church community.

Last year, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse–was incorporated into mini-training programs before, during and after church, as well as church-wide challenges!
ALMOST THERE! Church-Wide Environmental Justice Project
Want to become involved with this? Contact Jeanine Moyer, Angela Warren, Wendy Scott, Lauraine Marcus