Unexpectedly Homebound Resource List
Caring For One Another Committee September 2017
Below is a list of resources available in Amherst and the surrounding area. Let us know:
- If you have experience with or know of other helpful resources
- If you find numbers or websites below changed or defunct.
Your input is needed and appreciated! Speak with any member of the Caring For One Another committee or contact us at caring@uuamherst.org or 716-634-3010.
This is not a complete list, nor is it an endorsement of any listed organizations.
Carpentry/Hardware/Plumbing (handyman/woman) (rails, grab bars, ramps, access…)
Al Maurer (716)636-5071, cell: (716)491-3941 or MaurerAllanJ@hotmail.com (carpentry)
Ed Young (Williamsville) – 632-3150
Clothes: Pick up & delivery
Colvin Cleaners has free pickup & delivery: (716)873-2952
My Urban Valet: 716-885-4351
Hearts & Hands (free service for members of participating churches)(see transportation)
Assisting Angels Senior Care (See home aide services – not free)
Dog Groomers (mobile – at your home- services)
Lauren’s Lavish Pooches: http://www.laurenslavishpooches.com at 930-9192.
Park ’n’ Bark: parknbarkvpweb.com at 866-5525.
Bark and Ride: https://www.facebook.com/BarkandRide/ (716)597-1481
- 1254 Galleria Drive, PO Box 40, Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Food Delivery:
Blue Apron: https://www.blueapron.com (646-891-4349)
- you choose the menu, they shop & deliver, you cook
Dash’s (via internet only): http://www.dashsmarket.com/dashs/onlineshopping.jsp
- flat fee for delivery
Grocery Express: (716)989-1600 or http://grocerydeliverybuffalo.com/
- Has a charge for purchasing groceries plus charge for delivery
- You choose the store
Hello Fresh: https://www.hellofresh.com/tasty/ (1-800-733-2414)
- you choose the menu, they shop & deliver, you cook.
Meals on Wheels: (716)822-2002 or https://mealsonwheelswny.org
- Charges $7.50/meal, fee may vary according to income
Schwan’s (grocery delivery service): 1 (888) 724-9267 or http://www.schwans.com
- FREE* DELIVERY for online orders $49.99 or more
Home Aide Services: (these are not free services)
Assisting Angels Senior Care: (716)741-1330 or http://assistingangelsseniorcare.com
- Meal prep, light housekeeping, in-home companion care, respite care, transportation & more.
CASA (must be medicaid eligible) – Community Alternative Systems Agency: 716-858-2323
Visiting Angels: 1-800-365-4189 or http://www.visitingangels.com/office-locator
General Home Health Agencies:
Medical Alert Systems (check Consumers Reports: What to look for in a medical alert system)
Life Alert: http://www.lifealert.com or 1-800-360-0329
LifeStation: https://www.lifestation.com or 1-877-478-3390
Medical Alert: https://medicalalert.com or 1-800-800-2537
MobileHelp: https://www.mobilehelp.com or 1-800-992-0616
Phillips Lifeline: https://www.lifeline.philips.com or 1-855-681-5351
Rescue Alert: https://www.rescuealert.com or 1-800-688-9576
Medical Supplies:
St. Amelia R. C. Church out-reach program
- lends medical items: e.g. wheelchairs, walkers and canes free of charge.
- Contact: 832-2542 from 10 – 3 p.m.
Hamburg Loan Closet (this may not be in operation – phone rang but no answer)
- lends medical equipment free of charge.
- 5161 Camp Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075 Phone: (716) 648-4400 (limited hours – call first)
Lions Loan Closet (Lions Club of Amherst) has crutches & wheelchairs, etc., offer free to the public.
- Contact person is Ken Moses 832-0202
Acorn stair Lift 1-866-520-0269
Bensons: (716) 332-0404
Buffalo Pharmacies: (716) 568-1370
Kolt Stair lifts (& more) Williamsville: (716) 580-3422 or http://www.koltaccess.com
Mobility Plus: (716) 824-2243 or http://www.mobilitypluswny.com
Reliant Medical Supplies: (716) 809-1621 or http://www.reliamed.com
Savaria Stair lift: 1(800) 661-6512 or https://www.savaria.com/products/stairlifts
Sheridan Surgical: (716) 836-8780 or http://www.sheridansurgical.com
- have most of everything
Suburban Oxygen Supply: (716) 691-8595 or http://www.suburbanoxygensupply.com
UB center for assistive technology (836-1350) http://sphhp.buffalo.edu/cat.html
- contact person: Kimberly Naus
Walgreens Surgical Supplies:
Legal Services
Neighborhood Legal Services: (716) 847-0650 or http://nls.org
Center for Elder Law and Justice
- http://www.elderjusticeny.org or (716)853-3087
- Free legal services for seniors, people with disabilities and low income populations.
Elder Care Solutions: (716)823-1476 eldercarewny@gmail.com, www.eldercarewny.com
- offer customized plans, advocacy, services to promote independent living
Pharmacy Concierge Services
This service provides home delivery in blister packs that are set up for the entire month.
They will pick up and repack if there is a medication change.
Mobil Pharmacy Solutions
- Phone (716) 247-5300, Fax – (716) 681-2270 or info@vasuscript.com
Union Medical Pharmacy
- 1769 Orchard Park Road, West Seneca, NY 14224 (716) 675-4133
Pharmacy Home Delivery:
Buffalo Pharmacies:1479 Kensington Ave (716)832-7742 (free delivery)
- https://buffalopharmacies.com
- They have multiple locations in Williamsville & Buffalo
CVS Mail delivery:(844) 443-4279 or https://www.geha.com/prescriptions/home-delivery
- May take 14 days for delivery
Rite Aid Pharmacy (mail delivery): 1-800-748-3243 or https://www.riteaid.com
WNY Rite Aid locations deliver prescriptions within a 3 mile radius, Mon-Fri only.
- The $2 fee waived for 3+ prescriptions delivered at same time.
- The closest location to UUCA is 5447 Main St., Wmsvl. 716-632-8608.
- 3249 Sheridan Drive, Amherst, NY 14226 (716) 835-0533
Tile Pharmacy (home delivery – in person): (716) 632-4888 ($4 to deliver)
Tops Pharmacies – check with your local store for delivery options
Walgreens (mail delivery):866-525-1590 or
Reading Service:
Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service (Lions Club of Niagara) reads a great variety of print material to sight-impaired people in the WNY area via special radio (provided).
- Contact number: 821-5555.
Senior Centers in Buffalo and Erie County:
For a complete list of area senior centers:
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/sites/www2.erie.gov.seniorservices/files/uploads/pdfs/senior_centers.pdf
- Amherst Senior Center: (716) 636-3050 or
- Clarence Senior Center: 716-633-5138 or http://www.clarenceseniorcenter.org
- Cheektowaga Senior Center: 686-3930 (Outreach coordinator for seniors)
- http://www.tocny.org/departments/seniorservices/seniorassistanceoutreachservices.aspx
- yard maintenance, snow removal, and handyman service is provided (income dependent)
Senior centers offer a wide variety of programs and services, including:
- Meal and nutrition programs
- Information and assistance
- Health, fitness, and wellness programs
- Transportation services
- Public benefits counseling
- Employment assistance
- Volunteer and civic engagement opportunities
- Social and recreational activities
- Educational and arts programs
- Intergenerational programs
Senior Services website:
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/index.php?q=services
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/index.php?q=respite
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/index.php?q=node/266
American Cancer Society Road to Recovery:1-800-227-2345 rides to Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Amherst Senior Transportation: 636-3075 or www.amherstvan.org
Hearts & Hands: (716) 406-8311 or https://hnhcares.org
- volunteer organization, free to members of participating faith communities
- Door to door Transport, home supports, light housework, snow removal, companion visits, etc.
NFTA-Metro Para-Transit:
- http://metro.nfta.com/Paratransit/Paratransit.aspx
- Need prior application and be certified as eligible for NFT-Metro’s Paratransit Access Line (PAL)
- PAL Direct is available 24h-7d at nfta.com or by calling 716-855-7239
Senior Centers may offer transportation: check with your local center
Senior Services: (716) 858-7433 – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
- voluntary donation $3 -8/ride
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/index.php?q=transportation
- http://www2.erie.gov/seniorservices/sites/www2.erie.gov.seniorservices/files/uploads/Transportation%209.21.16.pdf
Taxi cab service
- Liberty: (716) 877-5400 or com
- Airport: (716) 633-8294 or https://www.buffaloairporttaxi.com
Uber – when available
Western New York Independent Living: 836-0822 or www.wnyil.org
WeCareVan service – 401 East Amherst St, Buffalo, NY 14215, (716) 898-7900
Veterinarian – House call
Dr. Scott Kinerk (East Amherst) 407-0633, scott@VetWNY.com
Wheelchair Accessible Vans/Cars (for purchase/repair)
Main Mobility: 716-759-6811 or http://www.mainmobility.com
Youth Volunteers:
Amherst Youth Volunteers: 716-631-7210, 4255 Harlem Rd, Amherst, NY
Clarence Youth Volunteers: 716-407-2162, 10510 Main St., Clarence, NY 14031
- youthbureau@clarence.ny.us
- Since 2007 2-1-1WNY has given individuals free and confidential referrals the wide range of services provided by non-profits and government agencies.
- 2-1-1WNY connects families & individual to services & help in the community, including basic needs, counseling, employment, family supports, disability services & recreation programs.
- Get help by dialing 2-1-1, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 2-1-1WNY is a partnership between the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County and the Olmsted Center for Sight.
- For more information visit: 211wny.org.
- Remember: Burning building, call 911; burning question, call 2-1-1!