Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite

Life After Doom

This book by Brian McLaren bears the subtitle, “Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart.” In the introduction, McLaren writes: When you dance with doom, doom changes you…It can scare you and exhaust you and leave you paralyzed in despondency, cynicism, and bitterness. Doom can win and life can lose. But the dance can … Continue reading Life After Doom

Pluralism in These Times?

Are we experiencing a great ‘pendulum swing’ as religious conservatives seem to be doubling down? Is this a reaction to the speed of social change? Is it possible for Unitarian Universalists to be a tempering influence? Is that desirable?


The morning service will be an All-Souls remembrance service. All are invited to bring photos and mementos to add to a shared altar as we honor and bless those who have touched our lives and are no longer with us.

Living a Mission of Compassion & Justice

This month we consider our Unitarian Universalist value of Generosity. At this time when we traditionally consider the blessings in our lives, I wonder if we might think about Generosity in relationship with Reciprocity.

Answering the Call

The radical religious right has an agenda, known as Project 2025, to roll back time – and not in a good way. Women’s rights, public education, the rule of law, environmental protections, and the separation of church and state would all be turned back decades, if not centuries. It is our duty to educate ourselves … Continue reading Answering the Call