Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite
Ingathering: Water Communion
It’s the beginning of a new academic year, which means it’s the beginning of our program year as well. Join us as we celebrate the Beloved Community and the many ways we are connected. Bring water from summer adventures (from afar or from your kitchen), or pour from the collective vessels, as we mingle our … Continue reading Ingathering: Water Communion
Poetry as a Spiritual Practice: Your Turn
Bring a poem that speaks to your soul (or submit it to minister@ uuamherst.org by 8/12) and we’ll share in a virtual potluck of mind and soul. No Epic of Gilgamesh or its ilk, please. Submissions should be appropriate for a Sunday morning.
Poetry as a Spiritual Practice
What is it about poetry (including song lyrics) that gets right through the clutter of our minds and lands in our soul? Come and find out!
White Purses & Shoes: It Must Be Memorial Day
We Are
We are who we are because of those who came before us.
Soul Matters: Pluralism
Interested in becoming a member? Meet Rev. Michelle in the Atrium following the service for coffee and conversation.
Interdependence: You Have Everything You Need
The Easter Story as Ultimate Transformation and Radical Inclusion
There will be fun stuff for kids. There will be meaningful reflection for adults. There will be coffee. You should probably come – and invite your neighbor and your cousin and the person who cuts your hair. It’s Easter at UU Amherst!
Hosanna to the Woman at the Heart of Christianity
Yes, we’re talking about Mary Magdalene. It’s not what you think.