Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite
The Easter Story as Ultimate Transformation and Radical Inclusion
There will be fun stuff for kids. There will be meaningful reflection for adults. There will be coffee. You should probably come – and invite your neighbor and your cousin and the person who cuts your hair. It’s Easter at UU Amherst!
Hosanna to the Woman at the Heart of Christianity
Yes, we’re talking about Mary Magdalene. It’s not what you think.
How Women Transformed Our FaithUntitled
Celebrating women’s contributions to Unitarian Universalism.
Transformation HappensUntitled
When transformation knocks, we can hold onto denial and hold onto rage, or we can choose to adapt and learn.
Attention Must Be Paid
Are you paying attention? Do you feel the tremors of the Great Turning? A new world is emerging and it is up to us to bring it to birth. We are the central actors in this drama. (choir to sing this week) Please be mindful of those with chemical allergies and refrain from wearing scents. … Continue reading Attention Must Be Paid
Did UU Know?
This week we will get acquainted with the talented and influential Unitarian, Fannie Barrier Williams (1855-1944). You’re going to wonder why her story is new to us! Please be mindful of those with chemical allergies and refrain from wearing scents. Remember that coffee hour follows. Supervised Care for Littles available in the room adjoining the … Continue reading Did UU Know?
Imbolc: A Glimmer of Light in the Darkness
The Celtic Pagan wheel of the year turns as the days grow longer. Let’s celebrate the growing light, in and around us. Please be mindful of those with chemical allergies and refrain from wearing scents. Remember that coffee hour follows. Supervised Care for Littles available in the room adjoining the Atrium. Our congregation joins with … Continue reading Imbolc: A Glimmer of Light in the Darkness
New Year, New UU: A Homecoming
In the UU Litany of Atonement, the late Rev. Rob Eller-Isaacs ended each line with, “We forgive ourselves and each other. We begin again in love.” Do you know someone (or are you one) who used to be active at UU Amherst but has dropped away? Invite them to our Homecoming service so they can … Continue reading New Year, New UU: A Homecoming
Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public
The full quotation from Cornel West includes a second line: “Just like tenderness is what love feels like in private.” Our congregation joins with hundreds of other UU congregations in the exploration of monthly themes from Soul Matters, a resource that is grounded in Unitarian Universalist values. This month we consider the theme of Liberating … Continue reading Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public