Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite

Soul Matters Sunday

There are many ways to come together in beloved community. This week we will explore more intimate conversations on this month’s topic of heritage. This service will not be archived on YouTube to preserve the confidentiality of these conversations. Live streaming will still be available. Sunday services are continuing as dual platform—both in-person and livestreamed. … Continue reading Soul Matters Sunday

How Wide is Our Welcome?

September Multi Sensory Services for All Ages Theme: WELCOMEUnitarian Universalism is a religion (?!) that encourages each person’s spiritual journey (?!), drawing wisdom from world religions (?!), the Bible (?!), individual experiences of wonder (?!), exemplars (?!), and science (?!). Exactly how wide is our welcome? Children & youth are invited and encouraged to stay in the … Continue reading How Wide is Our Welcome?

Gathered Here

September Multi Sensory Services for All Ages Theme: WELCOMEThis Sunday we celebrate our faith community with our tradition of gathering and mingling waters that represent our summer adventures, whether those included travel to places or travels of the heart. Bring water from home or travels, or pour from the common cup. Come, come, whoever you are! … Continue reading Gathered Here

When God is Gone, Everything is Holy

You read that right. Experiencing life as holy does not require belief in a supernatural being. We’ll explore religious humanism and religious naturalism as pathways to that which is of ultimate importance to us.