Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite

When God is Gone, Everything is Holy

You read that right. Experiencing life as holy does not require belief in a supernatural being. We’ll explore religious humanism and religious naturalism as pathways to that which is of ultimate importance to us.

Where’s the “There” There?

Sometimes it can seem that our big-tent faith, in the words of Gertrude Stein, has no “there” there. Amid all of our theological diversity, is it even possible to have a shared cosmology, spiritual dimension, an ethic, and a practice of public celebration?

Faith of Our Mothers

Often when we think of our UU history, the names that come to mind are Servetus, Emerson, Thoreau, Dietrich, etc… all men. But our history is rich with the input and influence of women, as well. Come and discover more of the rest of our story.