Speaker: Rev. Michelle Buhite

How to Feed Your Inner Atheist

How’s your inner Atheist doing? Hungry? Bingeing on the spiritual equivalent of snickers? Or have you been starving the poor dear? A balanced diet is important for all of us; including our inner Atheist

What’s Wrong With Me/Us?

Do you ever wonder why you just can’t fit into prescribed boxes? Whether it is our spiritual path, personal identity, or some other aspect of Self, sometimes we have to break away from others’ expectations to fullyrealize and experience our own lives.

Beauty School Dropout

On August 16, 2015 I gave my very first sermon at UU Amherst – a sermon that was met with consternation and even a bit of hostility. Let’s revisit the Beauty School, together.

Where Does Your Heart Lean?

What makes your heart sing? Are you more Unitarian? Or Universalist? Is there a difference? This exploration is not about taking sides, but rather, understanding who we are at our core and how we fit together.

The Gift(s) of Love

“Joy is the gift of love. Grief is the price of love. Anger protects that which is loved. And when we think we have reached our limit, wonder is the act that returns us to love.” (Valerie Kaur)