Opt-in to a life sustaining world! The Work That Reconnects (WTR) is a frame work and set of practices developed by eco-Buddhist scholar and humanitarian, oanna Macy. It is a holistic approach to personal and collective transformation that aims to address the ecological and social challenges facing humanity. It provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore and express their emotions about the state of the world, while also fostering a sense of connection and empowerment.
You are warmly welcomed to explore WTR through embodied practices to inspire actionable hope. During this immersive session, participants will explore moving through the components of the Spiral of The Work That Reconnects: Ground in Gratitude; Honoring Our Pain; Seeing With New Eyes; Going Forth. The Practices That Guide Us Through the Spiral: Somatic Movement: Grounding/Tapping Practices, Body Movement, Breath-work; Simple Songs; Facilitated Conversations & Small Group Discussions; Guided Meditations.
A light lunch will be served at noon. The workshop begins at 12:30 pm. Beverages will be available throughout the afternoon.
Registration required: https://forms.gle/vmQnvBbsyqmiMSuz6 (or see Marie Evans) Cost is Pay-What-You Can (suggested contribution $10-20, or more!).
Our facilitator is Rachel Allen, who will offer her books and related merchandise for sale at the event .