Hard Times

What shall we do when our world seems to be breaking up around us? When democracy, truth, civility, justice, and respect are all threatened, and there seems little or nothing any of us can do to change things. Where do we find hope? How do we stay centered enough to do the little we can? Doug and Fran will wrestle with these questions in words and music. Maybe we’ll even find some answers.

Rev. Fran Manly is a retired UU minister now active in the Buffalo UU church as a Worship Associate and in the choir. She has served churches in Niagara Falls and Hamburg and preaches occasionally at the small UU churches in Western New York.
Singer, Songwriter, and Guitarist Doug Yeomans, a member of the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame, is a popular
guest musician here and in other congregations. He and Fran have been creating services together since 2010. Check him out at https://dougyeomansmusic.com/home.

Sunday services are continuing as dual platform—both in-person and livestreamed. A link to our YouTube channel is available on our website. You can view the recorded service anytime on the channel. Invite friends and family! Remember that coffee hour follows.

Supervised Care for Littles available in the room adjoining the Atrium.