During the pandemic, the Tuesday Women’s Group is meeting weekly on ZOOM @ 12:30 PM. When formal programs resume, the group will meet on the 1st and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 1:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesdays will be set aside for a friendly lunch at 12:30 p.m. Topics for discussion and specific programs include religion, current events, social justice, women’s issues, spirituality, nature, book reviews, poetry, history, politics, ethics, ecology, UU World, healthy eating, etc.  The group also has a Private Facebook Group: UUCA Tuesday Women’s Group that you can ask to join.

The group sponsors the One Sight Eyewear Collection which matches used prescription eyewear to people in other countries. A group member (Marcia Scott) maintains the church’s used book exchange and another member (Marie Evans) oversees the spirituality and religion lending library in the Emerson Room. 

Interested in joining the group? The contact person is Marge Marcille who can be reached through the office administrator administrator@uuamherst.org or 634-3010.