Speaker: John Snodgrass


Before there was Netflix, there was the Eclipse, a light-show in the sky that inspired great feats of human imagination and storytelling. As the solar eclipse approaches, we’ll be exploring the significance of eclipses in world religions and mythologies. john (the lower case is intentional) is a frequent guest preacher at UU Amherst. Heteaches classes … Continue reading Eclipse

Here Be Dragons

We’ve all heard about the serpent in the Bible, but who are some other prominent snakes in world mythologies? And despite this creature’s bad reputation, can it also be a sign of life and peace?john (the lower case is intentional) is a frequent guest preacher at UU Amherst. He teaches classes in religion at Canisius, … Continue reading Here Be Dragons

“For the Birds”

Winter has come and the birds are heading south. We’ll examine some religious beliefs about our fine feathered friends, and look forward to their return in spring. john Snodgrass teaches religion courses at Canisius University, and has written numerous books including “Supernatural Shakespeare” and the sci-fi comedy novel Thirteenth Moon. He lives in Buffalo with … Continue reading “For the Birds”

Great Snakes!

If the Snake in Eden wasn’t Satan, then who was it? Where else in the Bible do we find other fantastical snake fables, and how do serpents continue to play an important role in some faiths? john Snodgrass teaches religion courses at Canisius College, and has written numerous books including “Supernatural Shakespeare” and the sci-fi … Continue reading Great Snakes!

Good Medicine

In the modern world, the word “Medicine” generally means synthesized chemical pills with Greek names in plastic bottles. But indigenous cultures use the word “Medicine” more broadly, it can mean a song, a story, an embrace, or a spiritual gathering. We’ll look at some of the ways in which a ritual can be medicinal.j. Snodgrass … Continue reading Good Medicine

“Thanks to the Maple”

As maple sap rises in late winter, we’ll explore some indigenous traditions about trees and maple syrup. john Snodgrass teaches Religious Studies at Canisius College, and he is the author of numerous books including “Sun Dance: Plains Life in Balance” and “Jolly Holidays.” He lives in Buffalo with his bride and their four children. On … Continue reading “Thanks to the Maple”

Holy Cow

A look at sacred cows in Viking myth, Hindu Religion, and the American midwest.john Snodgrass teaches Religious Studies at Canisius College, and he is the author of numerous books including “Sun Dance: Plains Life in Balance” and “Jolly Holidays.” He lives in Buffalo with his bride and their four children.

The Words That Come Before All

When the Indigenous Peoples of Western New York celebrate the Midwinter festival, the gathering begins with a communal thanksgiving to the elements and forces of nature that support life on earth.John Snodgrass teaches Religious Studies at Canisius College, and he is the author of numerous books including “Sun Dance: Plains Life in Balance” and “Jolly … Continue reading The Words That Come Before All


Many religious traditions center on a lifelong struggle against fear and temptation, and even without religion we all strive for a positive sense of self. The struggle can be difficult, but it helps us to develop our strengths, accept our limitations, and understand our role in relation to the world around us.